Boost Conversions & LTV

Improve the conversion rate on your store by strengthening the bottom of the funnel and scheduling timely reach outs to maximise lifetime value from existing customers.
Dashboard mockup

Right message, right time

Use our segments to send the right message to the right customers - no more sending generic messages to the full customer list.

Proactively reach out to customers based on segment grouping to nudge them to perform desired actions e.g. completing a purchase, reactivating a customer etc.

Cross sell and upsell flows

Setup intelligent flows to prompt customers to buy complimentary products once their first purchase is complete.

Prompt customers to purchase most relevant products based on past transaction data, hence increasing chances of conversion.
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Showcase relevant products and offers

Show your best products to the highest quality customer segments and NPS promoters first - to ensure high conversion and great customer experience.

Show best offers and discount notifications to price-conscious and discount-seeking segments.

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