Increase Retention

Boost customer retention and lifetime value using our pre-built segments or creating your own custom segments. Run relevant engagement strategies for these segments and watch your revenue grow.

Prevent churn

Identify your at risk customers, reach out to them before they lose touch with your brand completely.

Choose from the pre-built “At-risk” segment or create a custom segment of at-risk customers to prevent them from churning. Use our NPS dashboard to identify unhappy customers.
Dashboard mockup

Revive lost customers

Reconnect with customers who have left, rebuild trust in their minds and get them shopping again!

Choose from our pre-built “Lost customers” segment or custom create a segment of lost customers based on your definition! Use the NPS survey feedback to understand customer issues and target them with relevant communication.

Increase repeats

Create personalised engagement strategies for each segment to induce repeat purchases.

Choose from our 8 pre-built segments or create your own custom segments. Reach out to NPS promoters to encourage repeat purchase!
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Find your ideal customer

Identify your best customers based on RFM segmentation - and formulate unique engagement strategies for each segment.

Create lookalike audiences to your high quality customers to ensure better ad-targeting.

Increase your Shopify revenue now!

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